Curriculum Vitae
Vidar Gudmundsson
Science Institute
University of Iceland
Dunhagi 3
IS-107 Reykjavik
Iceland (Europe)
Tel: +354-864-0588
ResearcherID: H-1931-2011
ORCID: 0000-0001-8939-3522
Google scholar: F0X7c2YAAAAJ
SCOPUS: 7004340780
- University of Iceland B.Sc.
in physics 1978
- University of Alberta, M.Sc.
in theoretical physics 1980.
Supervisor Prof. M. Razavy.
- University of Alberta, Ph.D.
in theoretical physics 1985.
Supervisor Prof. Y. Takahashi.
- University of Alberta, teaching
assistant 1978-1984
- University of Alberta, research
assistant 1984-1985
- Max-Planck Institute for Solid
State Research, Stuttgart,
group of Prof.
K. von Klitzing 1985-1988
- Science Institute,
research fellow 1988-1991
- University of Iceland, lector
(reader) 1991-1992
- University of Iceland, docent
(associate professor) 1992-1996
- University of Iceland, professor
(full professor) 1996
Extra functions
- Chairman of the physics
department, University of Iceland,
- Member of the Board of
NORDITA, Copenhagen,
1999 - 2001
- Chairman of the board of
- Vice-chairman of the board of the Science Institute,
University of Iceland, 1999-2002
- Chairman of the physics section at the Science Institute,
- Chairman of the board of Science Institute,
University of Iceland, 2003-2006.
Field of research
- Theory of electronic systems in dimensionally reduced
semiconductors; 2DEG, quantum dots and wires, ground state
properties, magnetization, far-infrared absorption, transport,
interacting mesoscopic systems in magnetic field.
Transport through photon cavities.
Time-dependent phenomena in
nanosystems. Open systems.
218 articles are submitted to, or published in refereed
international journals or conference proceedings.
The full list of publications is available on the web with the URL:
with most of the publications hyperlinked.