Sommerakademie - La Villa
Arbeitsgruppe 3
Nanostrukturen - Atomphysik zum Selbermachen
Referenzen zu den vorgeschlagenen Referatthemen / References for projects
Here are listed references that can be used by the participants for preparation
of their projects.
- DFT (Density Functional Theory) for calculation of properties
of atoms, molecules, and nanosystems. (Revs. Mod. Phys.,71, No.5, 1253 (1999)).
- Density functional Theory: An Introduction (Am. J. Phys., 68,
69, (2000))
- Modeling a solid.
A review article by W. Kohn on the use of computational methods developed
within physics to predict and understand the properties of solid. A project
might focus on one or two items discussed in the article. (Revs. Mod. Phys.,
71, No.2, S59 (1999)).
- Von der Quantenmechanik zum Materialdesign (V. Eyert und U. Eckern,
Physik in unserer Zeit, 31 (6), 276, (2000))
- Nice things about mean fields: Mean field potentials for the classroom
(L. Cheng, E. Goldstein and P. B. Siegel, Am . J. Phys., 68, 848,
- Electronic structure
of quantum dots. Review article by S. Reimann and M. Manninen about
the electronic structure of quantum dots. Project should be more focused.
(Rev. Mod. Phys. 74, 1283 (2002)).
- Auf Tuchfühlung mit Elektronen (G. Salis und K. Ensslin, Physik
in unserer Zeit, 31 (2), 73, (2000))
- A new approach to bound states in potential wells (J.-F. Bloch and
V. Ignatovich, Am. J. Phys., 69, 1177, (2001))
- Halbleiter-Quantenpunkte:
- Halbleiter-Quantenpunkte (Physik Journal, 6/167 (1990)), Quantenpunkte
en masse (Physik Journal, 11/18, (1999))
- Selbstordnende Quantenpunkte: Vom Festkörper zum Atom (Physik
Journal 6/517 (1997))
- Photonen auf Bestellung (Physik Journal, 9/55 (2001))
- Nanokristalle - Herstellung und Anwendung:
- Semiconductor Clusters, Nanocrystals, and Quantum Dots (A. P. Alivisatos,
Science, 271, 933, (1996)); Perspectives on the Physical Chemistry
of Semiconductor Nanocrystals (A. P. Alivisatos, J. Phys. Chem., 1996,
100, 13226)
- Laserlicht aus Nanokristallen (Physik in unserer Zeit, 33,
206 (2002)); Optical Gain and Stimulated Emission in Nanocrystal Quantum
Dots (Science, 290, 314, (2000)); Quantenpunktlaser (Spektrum der
Wissenschaft, Nov. 1996, p. 64)
- Synthese und Charakterisierung von InAs/InP- und InAs/CdSe-Kern/Schalen-Nanokristalle
(Y.-W. Chao und U. Banin, Angew. Chem., 1999, 111, Nr. 24, p. 3913)
- Biological applications of colloidal nanocrystals (W. Parak et
al., Nanotechnology, 14, R15, (2003)); Semiconductor Nanocrystals
as Fluorescent Biological Labels (M. Bruchez jr. et al., Science,
281, 2013, (1998)), Water-Soluble Quantum Dots for Multiphoton
Fluorescence Imaging in Vivo (D. Larson et al., Science, 300,
1434, (2003)), Remote electronic control of DNA hybridization through inductive
coupling to an attached metal nanocrystal antenna (K. Hamad-Schifferli et
al., Nature, 415, 152 (2002)); Halbleiter bringen Licht in Zellstrukturen
(Physik Journal, 12/1095 (1998))
- Electrochromic Nanocrystal Quantum Dots (C. Wang, M. Shim, and P.
Guyot-Sionnest, Science, 291, 2390, (2000))
- Quantenmechanik:
- Symmetrien verlängern das Leben von Schrödingers Kätzchen
(D. Braun, Physik in unserer Zeit, 31 (6), 246, (2000))
- The Joy of Entanglement (S. Popescu and D. Rohrlich, in "Introduction
to Quantum Computation and Information", World Scientific, Singapore, 1998,
p. 29); Entangled photons, nonlocality, and Bell inequalities in the undergraduate
laboratory (D. Dehlinger and M. W. Mitchell, Am. J. Phys. 70, 903
- Auf dem Weg zum universellen Quantencomputer (D. Jaksch, T. Calarco
und P. Zoller, Physik in unserer Zeit, 31 (6), 260, (2000))
- Quantenalgorithmen können Unmögliches (G. Uhrig und F.
von Oppen, Physik in unserer Zeit, 31 (6), 252, (2000))
- Quantenexperimente zwischen Photon und Fullerenen (A. Zeilinger,
Physik in unserer Zeit, 31 (5), 199, (2000)), Interferometrie von
C70-Molekülen (Physik in unserer Zeit, 33 (3), 103, (2002));
Quantum interference experiments with large molecules (O. Nairz, M. Arndt,
and A. Zeilinger, Am. J. Phys. 71, 319, (2003))
- Spin:
- Magnetismus in Nanodrähten (Physik in unserer Zeit, 33
(3), 104, (2002); K. Kern et al., Nature 2002, 416, 301;
- Spindependent Tunneling in Self-Assembled Cobalt-Nanocrystal Superlattices
(C.T. Black et al., Science, 290, 1131, (2000))
- Vielteilcheneffekte:
- Thomson-Atome (T. Vorrath und R. Blümel, Physik in unserer Zeit,
31 (3), 115, (2000))
- Energy spectrum of a confined two-dimensional particle in an external
magnetic field (R. Rosas et al., Am. J. Phys., (68, 2000))
- Computerprojekt: Two-particle Schrödinger equation animations
of wave packet-wave packet scattering (J. J. V. Maestri et al., Am.
J. Phys., 68, 1113 (2000))
- Rastertunnelmikroskopie:
- Hochauflösende Rastertunnelmikroskopie unterscheidet Atome (P.
Varga, M. Schmid und J. Redinger, Physik in unserer Zeit, 31 (5),
215, (2000))
- Nanomagnetische Domänen mit dem Rastertunnelmikroskop (M. Getzlaff,
M. Bode und R. Wiesendanger, Physik in unserer Zeit, 31 (3), 110,
- Bauen mit einzelnen Atomen (G. Meyer und K.-H. Rieder, Physik in
unserer Zeit, 31 (1), 8, (2000))
- Transport durch künstliche Moleküle:
- Tunneling and Optical Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
(U. Banin and O. Millo, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 54, 465, 2003)
- Nanomechanical oscillations in a single-C60 transistor (H. Park et
al., Nature, 407, 57, (2000))
- A single-electron transistor made from a cadmium selenide nanocrystal
(D. Klein et al., Nature, 389, 699, (1997))
- Von künstlicen Atomen zu Molekülen (Physik Journal 12/1115
- Die kleinsten elektrischen Schalter - Cluster aus 55 Goldatomen (Spektrum
der Wissenschaft, April 1994))
- Künstliche Kristalle:
- Shape control of CdSe nanocrystals (X. Peng et al., Nature,
404, 59, (2000)),
- Selection of peptides with semiconductor binding specificity for
directed nanocrystal assembly (S. R. Whaley et al., Nature, 405,
665, (2000))
- Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhrchen:
- Molekulare Elektronik mit Nanoröhren (Spektrum der Wissenschaft,
April 2002)
Open articles in Scientific American
The following list contains links to articles in Scientific American.
They are for general interest and could also be used in a project.
News from AIP and APS
The American Institute of Physics (AIP) and The American Physical Society
(APS) publish news about new exciting results in several areas of physics.
Here we have collected some that are relevant to our topic. Often the news
cite articles in research journals published by these organizations.